Mayflower Descendants
 Hamilton Cemetery

  The William Melvin Hamilton Sr (b.1886,d.1953) Family


Welcome to the Hamilton Memorial Historical Cemetery Web page. On June 20, 2014 the State of Washington Historic Preservation Board voted to approve the Hamilton Cemetery in East Wenatchee, Washington to be listed on the Washington Heritage Registry of Historic Places. The cemetery/land has a trust. The Trustee is Ron Carstensen, 1st Alternate is Gary Burke, 2nd Alternate is Heather Breen, Consultant is Ken Mustell and Website Administrator is Derene Carstensen. The purpose of this website is to memorialize and honor those that are buried there and for our present and future generations to have a footprint to refer for ancestors that came and were born in the Wenatchee area many generations ago. As we move from generation to generation we discover other branches of Hamilton's so we are expanding to include these family members, cemeteries, pictures, articles as they are discovered. The discovery that the Hamilton's are descendents of 2 passengers that came to American on the Mayflower in 1620 is a great find. They are George Soule and Peter Browne. Please sign into our guest book and comment below.

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  • Last updated on 4/1/2016

    Feature Articles

    feature 1 Project #1: COMPLETED 9/2015. Ongoing work with Douglas County Engineering Department to enhance the "Big Rocks" at the newly locked road gate to eliminate auto traffic coming on to Sand Canyon Road.

    Project #2: COMPLETED 8/21/2015. Survey the cemetery for installing permanent cemetery corner markers. Determine where current Douglas County portion of Sand Canyon Road legally stops. Portions of the Sand Canyon Road continuing up to the cemetery is privately owned.

    feature 2 Project #3: ONGOING. Locate a fence company to prepare plan for installing locking security fence around legal perimeter of cemetery.

    Project #4: SUMMER 2016. Develop plan for Douglas County Sheriff Explorer Scout troop to assist family in cleaning up site. (Leveling, filling of holes, removing dead plants and clearing debris)

    feature 3 Project #5 SUMMER 2016. Hire a County approved Civil Engineer to develop detailed plan to submit to Douglas County Engineering Department. Plan will request approval for correcting the "Big Dip" in Sand Canyon Road just below cemetery. Justification: Determine how to control 100 year water flow so that road can be back filled to same level as rest of road. This will enable easier passage for vehicles.

    feature 4 Project #6 TBD. Hire a County approved Construction Company to make approved road corrections filling the "Big Dip" in the Sand Canyon Road so vehicles can safely drive to the cemetery.

    Contact Us

    email imageIf you have any questions or comments about the information on this site, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.